Keystone Plus Pass

Epic Season Passes

Unlimited skiing at Keystone with holiday restrictions. Also valid at Breckenridge from 1 April 2026. Plus five days total access at Crested Butte.

Unlimited access (excluding peak) at...

Keystone, CO
  • Restricted (peak) dates: 28 to 29 Nov, 26 to 31 Dec 2025, 17 Jan, 14 to 15 Feb 2026

Unlimited spring skiing (excluding peak) at...

Breckenridge, CO - April 2025
  • Access to Breckenridge starts on 1 April 2026

Five day access (excluding peak) at...

Crested Butte, CO
  • Restricted (peak) dates: 28 to 29 Nov, 26 to 31 Dec 2025, 17 Jan, 14 to 15 Feb 2026

Buy the Keystone Plus Pass

  • £317
    AdultAge: 13+
  • £219
    ChildAge: 13+

Want unlimited skiing at Keystone and Breck?

If you want to combine Keystone and Breckenridge, but the date restrictions with the Keystone Plus Pass don't fit with your travel plans, then take a look at the Summit Value Pass which offers unlimited skiing all season at both destinations.

Not what you’re looking for? View all Epic Season Passes


All you need to know about ordering your passes online

How do I collect my pass?

Your pass can be collected from Breckenridge, Keystone, or any other Vail Resorts-owned resort.

How does it work?

You book and pay for your season pass online using our secure ordering and payment system. Once the passes are confirmed, we will email instructions on how to set up or log into your Epic Account, where you can upload photos for your season passes and complete liability waivers for all household members. You are also given the option to decide the level of Epic Coverage you would like. Your physical passes will be shipped to your UK address, once you have completed this. You will also receive a separate email from Vail Resorts containing a pass activation prompt.

If you have any questions at any stage, would like any advice or would prefer to book by phone, you can call us on 01273 224063. Please bear in mind that our office is closed at the weekend and on bank holidays.

Is my online payment secure?

We use Trust Payments - a secure online payment gateway for credit and debit card processing that has achieved the highest level of compliance under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS). They adhere to the most stringent levels of fraud screening, ensuring that your details remain secure throughout the transaction process.

The validation TSL certificate for our website is provided by Let's Encrypt. This provides the highest level of business authentication available, according to standards set down by the CA/Browser Forum. The HTTPS browser address is your assurance that you are dealing with a verified business on a secured domain.

Can I make an order over the phone?

Yes, you can. Please call us on 01273 224063 and we will be happy to take the order.

For payments made by phone, for your security, Ski Safari is also assessed against the PCIDSS standards by Trust Payments to ensure that we safely handle your payment details.

Is my season pass refundable?

Epic season passes are non-refundable and non-transferable once ordered from Ski Safari.

Epic season passes come with inclusive insurance and we highly recommend you find out before ordering what cover they provide:

You must have travel insurance in place to cover the cost of your passes in the event that you have to cancel or defer your order for a reason not covered by the insurance included with your pass.

What financial protection do you offer?

Season tickets bought on our website are covered by the financial protection offered by our ABTA membership and bond. Find out more about our financial protection.